Saturday, February 24, 2007

Food Photos

I got some food photos I have taken, enlarged yesterday to 6x8s and I might get a few more done. I figure I will frame them and put them on a wall in my new kitchen (which we move into in 3 weeks time today!)

I got these ones enlarged...

Do you like them? Do you think there are other food photos I have on this blog worthy of blowing up and framing? Or do you think it is altogether a silly idea?


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Wellk, in truth, it doesn't matter what I think---except to say these are lucious looking---lol, what's important what you think and feel, and if it pleases you, you should do it! That's what I would do...

Melody said...

OOLOTH - You're right! Doesn't matter what you think, it is what I think! I love them. That's all that counts.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I'd frame all three of these.

Kiki said...

I also think it's a lovely idea, but I think anyone who loves baking/cooking like we do will agree!! How about the mini cupcake one? Any with Monet will be a hit, can you include one with Lyndon in it as well?