Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pasta Shells with Ricotta, Tomato & Basil

As fiddly as these were to make they were delicious. Truly delicious. They were meant to be made using Conchiglies (large pasta shells - you know those huge ones??) Well, I couldn't find any so I just used normal large size pasta shells that you can pick up in any supermarket.

These can be served at room temperature or you can heat them in the oven and serve hot with grated Parmesan on top. This is what I did. I put cheese on top then popped them into a hot oven for about 8 minutes in individual bowls for both Lyndon and I. Yummo!!!!

*Taken from 'Allegro Al Dente - Pasta & Opera'*

6 ripe tomatoes (I used Roma/Plum)
2 tbs olive oil
2 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
salt to taste
1 tsp sugar
300g (10 oz) fresh ricotta (I used 200g)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 conchiglie (large pasta shells)
Fresh basil leaves

Dunk tomatoes in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds, then peel off skin, cut in half, squeeze to remove seeds and chop remaining flesh. Heat olive oil, add tomatoes, garlic, salt and sugar and cook until tomatoes are soft and sweet.

Beat ricotta with a wooden spoon until light, adding salt and pepper as you go.

Cook pasta shells in plenty of salted, boiling water until al dente. Do not overcook or they will tear easily when stuffed. Drain pasta, tuck a basil leaf into each shell, and half fill with ricotta. Top with a spoonful of tomato sauce.

Serves 4

As I used smaller pasta shells I found it easier to put the ricotta into them via the use of a piping bag.)

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