Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mini Dim Sims

In my time I have made up my own version of spring rolls, which I always enjoy. But I have never been motivated or even remotely interested for that matter, to make my own Dim Sims. I live with the Dim Sim King (Lyndon loves a good dimmie) and I thought I might take a chance and make some, after I spied a packet of Dim Sim wrappers in the fridge department of my local Coles.

Well, weren't they delicious? They were easy to make, not at all fiddly (truly) and I will probably be making them again in the very near future. And to top things off, Monet loved them and so did Lyndon!! Next time I would probably add a little chopped Chinese cabbage to make them a little more authentic. I fried half and I steamed half. Either way they took hardly anytime to cook and either way was nice.

This recipe was taken from the back of the Dim Sim wrappers pack, but I added quantities.

1 packet 30 dim sim wrappers
350 g mince (I used chicken)
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 egg
Mix all ingredients together until combined. Using dim sim wrappers, place a teaspoon of combined ingredients on each. Fold the ends in and roll, using a little water to make the two ends meet.

Either fry until golden, or steam until cooked through.

Enjoy with soy sauce.

Makes about 30.


kimbofo said...

They sound yummy -- and I am not a big dim sim fan.

Melody said...

kimbofo - you'd probably like these because of the chicken i used! And you can see exactly what is in htem - no dodgy bits! Hehe...

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That really does sound easy and it looked so delicious it made my mouth water...And it is still watering! (lol)
How much chicken would you say that is.....I cannot tell with the measurement you wrote out...

kimbofo said...

oldoldlady of the hills, 350gram of chicken is the equivalent of 12.3 US ounces -- so not very much.

Anonymous said...

I also have the same dimmie recipe as you do and had never made them before. I was quite surprised,they are pretty simple to make, however, they were just not the same as the dimmies at the south melbourne market. These would have to be the best dimmies i have ever had. I am still working on my recipe trying to get them the same or very similar.