Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Double Potato and Halloumi Bake

This is a very simple dish to make and would be delicious served with anything. To be honest with you, I could of just eaten a whole plate piled high of this. It was very yummy. And besides, I have a thing for roasted garlic...

You can replace the halloumi cheese with feta if you wish and I also added a carrot to the dish.

*Taken from Nigella Lawson's 'Nigella Bites'*

1 large sweet potato
1 large Desiree potato
1 red onion
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1/2 head of garlic
4 tbs olive oil
black pepper
125g halloumi cheese, sliced as thinly as you can

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6

Cut the sweet potato into rough 4cm cubes and the Desiree slightly smaller (2 1/2 cm) as the sweet potato will cook more quickly. Halve the red onion, then cut each into 4 to 6 segments, discarding any tough outer skin. De-seed the peppers and cut into 2 1/2 cm squares, and separate the cloves of garlic. Put everything into a large roasting tin and using your hands, give the vegetables a good coating of olive oil. Season with black pepper, but no salt as the cheese will make it salty. Cook for 45 minutes, by which time the vegetables should be cooked through and here and there tinged with brown. You'll need to turn the oven up to a maximum or light the grill for the endgame: so place the thinly sliced cheese on top of the bake, and put it back in the very hot oven or under the grill until the cheese has melted and turned slightly brown on top, about 5-10 minutes. Serve straight out of the roasting tin.

Serves 2-3


kimbofo said...

I've made this before -- and it is very yummy. I make roast vegies whenever I've got stuff I need to use up -- just cut it up, squirt some olive oil over it and then chuck it in the oven. I find that zuchinni and eggplant cook very nicely like this. Always yummy in baguettes for lunch too!

Kiki said...

Oh this looks fantastic. You have been forcing me to open up my cookbooks that I really don't look at as often as I should. Thanks for the inspiration Melody. I love haloumi so that will definitely be staying!!

Melody said...

Kimbofo - Yes, it would be yummy in baguettes cold the following day... Must try that. Or making it into a quiche, simply by pouring an egg mixture onto it and baking... yummo!

Kikimiss- Good that I am inspiring you...but you won't be up to cooking v. v. soon now will you?

Kiki said...

Sssshhhh, don't say that!! I went quiet after A was born too. I've already made four meals that are sitting in the freezer waiting and one of my girlfriends is treating us with some of her homemade meals as well post-birth. In fact, I'd be happy if everyone I knew made us a dish. Wouldn't that be a fabulous gift?

Unknown said...

I've had this made for me before and it's yummy. I just love Haloumi cheese. Mmmm.