Friday, March 02, 2007

Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup

I don't know where I originally got this recipe but over the years I have added and changed a few things, so I am claiming it as my own recipe now! We love this soup, especially Monet!!

Olive oil
1 onion, chopped finely
4 cups chicken stock
1 cooked chicken breast, chopped into small pieces (or use left over roast chicken like I usually do)
1 can creamed corn, (use either 310g or 440g tin)
1 handful frozen corn kernels
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 handful of uncooked vermicelli pasta (optional - good for thickening)
2 eggs, lightly beaten

In a saucepan, heat the olive oil and fry the onions until soft, but not brown. Add the chicken stock to the pan followed by the chicken, creamed corn, corn kernels, spring onion and pasta (if using). Bring slowly to the boil (or wait until pasta is cooked through, if using). Add the egg in one long stream, using a fork where it meets the liquid soup, to beat into the mixture. Cook for one minute. Enjoy.

Serves 4-6


kimbofo said...

I think the original recipe came from my Year 9 Home Economics class!!

Melody said...

Kim - yes, I think it may have come originally from your class!

Kiki said...

Hey, did you guys use 'Day To Day Cookery' as a text/cookbook at school. I did and still have the useful little tool in my bookcase. Melody, this is my favourite soup of all time and it got me through some of those less than favourable early days of this pregnancy. I wish I was closer, I would have really enjoyed a bowl of this.

Paula said...

I remember you giving me this recipe years ago at work, I still make it every Winter - it's an all time favorite!