Thursday, March 01, 2007

You Like?

I saw this Pot Holder in my local Coles the other day. I thought it was pretty 'kitch'...

...and I thought it was about time I threw out the last one I bought in the Year 2000!


Kiki said...

That's a great pot holder...mine have large coloured spots on them. But you know what? I don't have one in the lengthy shape like yours..mine are the little square ones or the glove/mitt. I think I should invest in this kind - it might save my wrists. I have so many kitchen battle scars.

Kiki said...

Hey, I spotted the small mitt at my local Coles on Friday but not the large pot holder (it's on my grocery list though). I kept venturing until I found a gorgeous little washer in the baby aisle with the word 'Cupcake' and a picture of one. I bought two - one for Miss A and one for the new babe. Cupcakes are too cute and for $1.00 each - why not?

Melody said...

Oww...I want a cupcake facewasher too! I must keep my eye out for them...